Datacard MXi610 Envelope Insertion System

Datacard MXi610 is an inline insertion for issuance systems equipped with MXD611 delivery systems. It is a complete solution for wrapping cards in envelopes. It provides the reliability and security needed to complete high-quality ready-made mailings by adding extensive embedding capabilities.

It is possible to include various additional inserts and shapes in the delivery of cards by mail to add an individual touch to each package.

MXi610 Envelope Insertion System consists of:
  • Inserter Base
  • Insert Feeder
  • Card Carrier Feeder
  • Sheet Feeder/Folder
  • Accumulator/Folder
  • Verification
  • Standard Divert
  • Envelope Printing
  • Franking Interface
  • High-Capacity/Standard Vertical Conveyor


  • High productivity
Reduce production steps and increase throughput with automated insertion, sealing, and postage metering.

  • Flexible segmentation
Automatically divert mail packages, rank important deliveries, and organize output for efficient distribution.

  • Precise packages
Carrier sorting removes smaller, inefficient work from the process without stopping the system.

  • Ease of use
Easily switch between jobs with minimal manual intervention and set-up.

  • Customized packages
Bring your envelopes to life with on-demand printing and personalized messaging.

  • Efficient rewards programs
Bundle additional gift or rewards card carriers in a single package.
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